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About the project

National infrastructure for supporting technology transfer

in Slovakia – NITT SK 


Project of the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information in Bratislava 

National project 

Operational programme: Research and Development 

Project co-financed by: European Regional Development Fund

Budget: €  8,234,571.17

Duration: June 2010 – December 2014 


The strategic goal of the project is to establish and implement the nationwide system to support application of the R&D results into social and economic practice in order to contribute to the development of the knowledge-based society. The system of national support entails establishing what is largely a non-material infrastructure (a system of auxiliary services) with marginal input into material infrastructure which mostly deals with the completion of information systems to support technology transfer (TT).


The National System is expected to endorse   those R&D activities which result from the real needs of the entrepreneurial sector. This will be achieved through a systematic co-ordination of individual components of the System so as to support transfer of knowledge into practice.   As a consequence, this will lead to an increased application of R&D results and technologies in the industry and, at the same time, it will support the creation of a long-term co-operation between academy and industry. This will promote advancement in the academic and scientific sectors and also contribute to the sustainable development of the knowledge-based society as a whole. The R&D institutions will aslo be provided with assistance in the process of the application of intellectual property rights (IPRs) and in the process of the commercialisation of intellectual property.



Strategic goal of the NITT SK project 

The project’s primary objective is to propose and put into effect the national infrastructure to support technology transfer, and thus contribute directly to more intensive and efficient state support to research and development. The project’s activities are focused on achieving the following three specific objectives: 



Specific objective No.1: 

To establish a Technology Transfer Centre at the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information in order to ensure systematic support for the technology transfer at national level. 


Specific objective No.2:  

To assist the scientific community in the process of technology transfer via utilisation of the existing capacities and resources of the research and development information and communication technology infrastructure.


Specific objective No.3:  

To render the process of the transfer of scientific knowledge and technology into the economy and society more efficient through the popularisation of science.

Basic data

National infrastructure for technology transfer support in Slovakia - NITT SK

Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information
Lamacska cesta 8/A
811 04 Bratislava

Research and development

European Regional Development Fund

8 234 571,17 EUR

June 2010 - December 2014